
the pieces in this section don’t  neatly or necessarily fit into a particular category. rather, they tend to be one-offs that may result in a new series. they also serve to punctuate whatever trajectory on which i may be. 

(click on thumbnail to enlarge)

Viewer, 2014 

Crutch parts - 25 x 5 in.

Looong Island, 2018

Letterpress, steel - 39 in.

FingerMouth, 2018

Sculpey, plastic, chromed steel - 3 x 2 in.

New Jack City, 2018

Letterpress, steel, mini flashlight - 7 in.

FingerTooth, 2018

Sculpey - 2.5 x 2 in.

Clipped .jpg


Wire Clips, Coins, Wood

9" x 8"


lipped 1 .jpg

Thing, 2020

resin, wire, pantyhose - 22 in.

Giaco, 2020

celluclay, paint- approximately 3 ft. diameter

Tzodiac, 2020

wood, resin, various - 3 ft. diameter (each piece approximately 3” x 5”.)

Invitation, 2021

wood - 16” x 4”

Quarantine 2021

plaster, wire, wood

21” x 3”

March, 2023

plastic soldiers, paint - 12” x 12” x 4”

Melty, 2023

resin, paint, plastic - 8.5in. x 8.5in

Pandemic, 2022

linotype, wood - 10in. x 2.5in. x 2in.

Thirteen, 2023

wood, resin, steel- 3in. x 4in.

Tapestry, 2023

pastic soldiers, paint -12 in. x 14in.